
Welcome to 'Clarity.is' where we explore finding Clarity through meditation, music and journaling.

Clarity is the cleansing of blocks and toxins from the 7 vital energy centres of the body. Each of these 7 energy centres is aligned upwards along the spine, beginning with the first at the base, at the tailbone and ending with the 7th at the crown, on the top of the head. In order to clear the blocks and toxins we will be using guided meditation and also ambient music which will help to enhance relaxation of both mind and body.

Jan has created meditative music specifically for each of the these sessions. We will be using this to lead us into the meditation and also to bring us back out. Ambient music, like meditation, can be used to calm the mind, relax the body and soothe the soul. In fact  Jan’s music has been called a ‘musical massage for the soul’.

During each of the sessions we will explore one of the vital centres. Felicity will explain their meaning and function on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. She will use guided meditation to take you into each of your energy centres, not only to cleanse them of negativity, but also to discover more about yourself, your creativity and your life force. This is an empowering experience and can be deeply transformative as well as a lot of fun.  

Every session is a journey of discovery and the overall journey will  link these 7 centres creating a free flowing channel of vital energy which we have called Clarity. 

Clarity enables you to focus, it brings calmness and peace of mind, emotional balance and well being. It enhances self knowledge and  helps to develop wisdom and so lead a more creatively fulfilling life. However, you really have to experience all 7 sessions to get the full benefits.

You will also explore creative journaling with Felicity. She will explain how to use your journal as a therapeutic and creative resource. You will be journaling after each meditation to explore the personal meaning and deeper significance of your experience.

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